Southern Charm and Southern Gothic Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"That cell block over there is Augustine. It's where we have our so-called Social events on Wednesday nights. And all of our classes," [Arriane] said, pointing to the buildings the color of yellowed teeth, two buildings to the right of the dorm…It was dismally square, dismally fortress like, fortified by the same barbed wire and barbed windows. An unnatural looking gray mist cloaked the walls like moss, making it impossible to see whether anyone was over there. (1.116)

Arriane, ever the helpful tour guide, tells Luce all about the various delights that Sword & Cross has to offer. So far, it sounds absolutely charming, even if it's meant to intimidate and keep its students in line.

Quote #2

"Over here you'll find our state-of-the-art gymnasium," she said, assuming a nasal tour guide tone of voice. "Yes, yes, to the untrained it looks like a church. It used to be. We're kind of in an architectural hand-me-down Hell here at Sword & Cross." (1.139)

In another of Arriane's wonderful tour-guide moments, she points out the church-nasium to Luce, a building that is a combination of religious sanctuary and athletic facility. Only at a place like Sword & Cross would buildings like this exist.

Quote #3

The delicate gates were all that divided the cemetery from the parking lot. Pretty remarkable for a school with so much barbed wire everywhere else. Luce ran her hand along the gates, racing the ornate floral pattern with her fingers. The gates must have dated back to the Civil War days Arriane was talking about, back when the cemetery was used the bury fallen soldiers. When the school attached to it was not a home for wayward psychos. When the whole place was a lot less overgrown and shadowy. (4.8)

Here's a moment of quiet, when Luce is waiting for her cemetery detention to begin. During this moment, Luce seems to experience a tiny bit of the historical, Gothic beauty of the campus, even if it only comes at the beginning of the morning, just as the sun rises. The fact that the school even has a cemetery on its campus makes it pretty unique, and that cemetery will play a larger role later.