Evil Empire Speech: The Squeal Rule And Parents' Rights (Lines 33-57) Summary

Family Planning

  • Modern-day secularism is threatening the values of American society, and government is bowing to them, because their voices are louder—but they aren't the majority.
  • The government is stomping on American parents' rights to, well, parent their children however they choose.
  • A "well-intentioned" effort has been made to offer help to girls who would otherwise turn to abortion. Clinics around the country are providing "advice and birth control drugs and devices to underage girls without the knowledge of their parents."
  • Reagan's administration ordered clinics subsidized by federal funds to notify parents of underage girls. A newspaper dubbed it the "squeal rule," because it's a violation of privacy, and a judge agreed.
  • Reagan doesn't understand how people can look at sex, something "so sacred," as purely physical. And he believes parents have the right to know what their kids are doing, and teach them the correct way.
  • He and his administration will fight the judge's injunction because the parents' rights are more important than "social engineers" who are twisting this situation for their own means.