Evil Empire Speech: A Wall Of Hostility (Lines 58-87) Summary

The Kids Are All Right

  • It's not just abortion, though. All kinds of American values and traditions are going down the tubes, and it's all because of the First Amendment—sorta. Or how it's misinterpreted, because it wasn't designed to create "a wall of hostility" between government and religion.
  • Religion is all over our history—the Declaration of Independence, our coins, proceedings in Congress and the Supreme Court. Why shouldn't it also be in our schools?
  • Reagan sent an amendment to Congress to restore prayer in public schools, and there's another bill to "restore freedom of religious speech" for public school students. Most of this comes as a response to a case where schools were not required to give equal treatment "to religious and nonreligious student groups."
  • Abortion-on-Demand is another example of how dangerous America is without morals and values. More than a million children are aborted a year, which indicates a "decline in respect for human life," and led to justification of other things, like the starvation of handicapped infants.
  • The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects "all handicapped persons against discrimination based on handicaps, including infants."
  • The goal is to protect the right to life of all children, even if they're disabled or handicapped.