Evil Empire Speech: Questions

    Evil Empire Speech: Questions

      1. Why does Reagan choose to open his speech with the anecdote about the politician in Heaven? What point is he trying to make? Do you think he is successful?
      2. In line 29, Reagan quotes Alexis de Tocqueville, who says American adherence to religious traditions is what makes the country strong. Has this changed since the 1980s, especially as religion because more and more controversial in our culture?
      3. Nuclear weapons are still an active and dangerous part of the global community today. How did this speech change the way the U.S. responds to foreign nations testing nuclear bombs? Do you believe negotiations for a nuclear freeze would be beneficial now in ways they weren't in 1983? Why or why not?
      4. Toward the end of his speech, Reagan refers to the policy of appeasement as "simple-minded." Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
      5. In line 162, Reagan says, "And then [Whittaker Chambers] said, for Marxism-Leninism is actually the second oldest faith, first proclaimed in the Garden of Eden with the words of temptation, "Ye shall be as gods." What does that phrase mean? How do Chambers' words support Reagan's beliefs about the Soviet Union?