Kansas-Nebraska Act: Abraham Lincoln's "Peoria Speech" (October 16, 1854)

    Kansas-Nebraska Act: Abraham Lincoln's "Peoria Speech" (October 16, 1854)

      Guess who really didn't like Stephen Douglas' inclusion of the "popular sovereignty" stuff in the Kansas-Nebraska Act? That's right – future POTUS Abraham Lincoln.

      Honest Abe gave this speech just a few short months after the Kansas-Nebraska Act was signed, and it's a doozy. Anyone who was unclear about his position on the issue before this speech surely wasn't afterwards.

      Lincoln and Douglas, though friends, disagreed on oodles of stuff. By the time they ran against each other for President in 1860, this speech was already six years old and they'd had all kinds of debates and whatnot since. But that doesn't make this speech any less important (or less eloquent).

      Prepare to be swept away by the words of the Great Emancipator as he shares with us some helpful history lessons and the most comprehensive burn on slavery of its time.