Kansas-Nebraska Act: What's Up With the Title?

    Kansas-Nebraska Act: What's Up With the Title?

      An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas

      Everyone likes a straight shooter, right? Someone who tells it like it is, no filter, no fluff, no frills, just the honest and candid truth.

      Well, if titles were people, this title would be the straight-shooting-est of all the straight shooters.

      If we're wondering what this document is about, the title pretty much lines it out for us. It's an act to organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas.

      Mind = blown, right?

      Of course, even straight shooters need nicknames, and this act is no exception. While "An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas" sure is descriptive, it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. So to its friends and loved ones, this crazy cat usually just goes by "the Kansas-Nebraska Act."

      And we can't really think of a more straight-shooting nickname than that.