The House of the Scorpion Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He wasn't a clone! He couldn't be! Somehow, somewhere a mistake had been made. [...] Was he going to end up strapped to a bed, screaming until he ran out of air? (13.1)

The short sentences and exclamation points emphasize Matt's shock and panic after seeing MacGregor's brain-damaged clone in the hospital. Matt is, to put it plainly, scared out of his wits.

Quote #5

As had happened when he was deeply upset before, the power of speech left him. He was six years old again, master of a kingdom of gristle and bone and rotting fruit hidden beneath the sawdust in a little room. (13.119)

Even though he was just seven when it happened, that period of captivity at the hands of Rosa has a pretty big impact on Matt's identity.

Quote #6

But Tam Lin had called Matt a human and expected much more from him. Humans, Matt realized, were a lot harder to forgive. (14.12)

By splitting the sentence, Farmer emphasizes her point more clearly, because we start with "humans" and end with "forgive." But why? Why are humans harder to forgive?