The House of the Scorpion Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

All those years [Celia]'d told him not to think of her as his mother fell away. No one else cared for him the way she did. No one protected him or loved him so much, except, perhaps, Tam Lin. And Tam Lin was like his father. (31.102)

Here, Matt realizes that he really does have a family, even if it's not the most normal in the world. He's more than just someone's clone, he's the surrogate son of two awesome people.

Quote #11

The plan must have been in El Patrón's mind all along. He'd never intended to let Mr. Alacrán or Steven inherit the kingdom. Their education was as hollow as Matt's. None of them was meant to survive. (38.28)

All of El Patrón's clones are destined for death. How do you keep a sense of self when you know you will be killed to keep someone else alive?

Quote #12

Tomorrow he would begin the task of breaking down the empire of Opium. It was a huge and terrifying job, but he wasn't alone. (38.63)

Here's a new identity for Matt. He's no longer the lonely clone. He's now responsible for an entire country, and he's got friends to boot.