The House of the Scorpion Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You're a clone," he murmured. "Know what that is? A kind of puke. You were puked up by a cow." (7.19)

We hate Tom. Tom's hatred and cruel descriptions here definitely emphasize just how prejudiced people are against clones. Plus it reminds us just how unsavory science can be.

Quote #5

He was in a rage to learn. He would excel, and then everyone would love him and forget he was a clone. (9.52)

Why do Matt's scientific beginnings put him at such a disadvantage? And why will excelling at learning help him overcome that disadvantage?

Quote #6

"This unbaptized limb of Satan has no right to make a mockery of this rite! Would you bring a dog to church?" (9.53)

Of course at this point, we're used to other's mistreatment of Matt for his clone status. But even the priest? Can't the kid catch a break? Maybe the priest is just worried about that age-old clash between religion and science. In El Patrón's world, the two are as much at odds as ever.