The House of the Scorpion Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You were grown in that poor cow for nine months, and then you were cut out of her. You were harvested. She was sacrificed." (10.27)

Contrast Tam Lin's horror about science with Tom's commentary on clones and cows. Tam Lin is upset by what was done to produce Matt, not at Matt himself.

Quote #8

Now, for the hundredth time, Matt thought about why anyone would create a monster. (10.39)

The cloning process and modern science definitely lack compassion. No one thinks about how the creation will feel once it's been created.

Quote #9

It didn't matter how intelligent he was. In the end the only thing that mattered was how strong his heart was. (22.6)

María raised her head. "Matt's human?"

"He always was," her mother replied. "The law is a wicked fiction to make it possible to use clones for transplants." (37.41-2)

The only thing that prevents others from viewing Matt as human is a stupid law? Why hasn't anyone questioned it before?