Sex Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Kassad felt the bloodlust build in him with turgid strength. (2.445)

Kassad's word choice during battle feels less like something out of a war novel, and more like something out of a Harlequin romance novel.

Quote #5

Kassad's sense of honor and sanity called out for him to stop the slaughter but his almost sexual bloodlust overpowered any objections. (2.471)

There's no "almost" here, buddy. He's used the term "bloodlust" about three times in as many pages, which we're pretty sure puts the "lust" into "bloodlust."

Quote #6

Farcaster portals opening to admit the cold lengths of attack carriers. The warmth of plasma explosions. (2.485)

Even Kassad's sexual metaphors are militaristic in nature. This boy always has war on the brain. Or whatever body part he's thinking with.