Jude the Obscure Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The mind of the matron was horrified—not so much at the possible death of Sue as at the possible half-column detailing the event in all the newspapers (3.3.31)

See, Hardy does have a sense of humor (though it's a dark one, of course). This funny little jibe just highlights how much more concerned some people are with appearances than they are with the wellbeing of other human beings.

Quote #5

'It is an ignorant place, except as to the townspeople' (3.4.59)

While Jude prizes Christminster for its strongholds of education and learned men, Sue sees it as a horrible place except for those lower class people who live there. This sheds some light on the differences between these two who are often seen as being so much alike.

Quote #6

When the musician saw Jude was a poor man his manner changed from what it had been while Jude's appearance and address deceived him as to his position and pursuits. (3.10.21)

Ugh. What can you say about this one? Money makes the world go 'round and all that. Jude simply lives in a time and place where the poor are looked at as lesser people—and no one seems to feel too bad about showing their class prejudices.