Jude the Obscure Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

'I love the place—although I know how it hates all men like me—the so-called self-taught' (5.8.61)

Therein lies the tragedy of Jude the Obscure. Jude clings to the city of Christminster and so badly wants to be accepted there. He wants to elevate his class—not for money, but for the respect that comes with a "proper" education. Jude knows that the moneyed folk of the university and the city cannot stand him or anyone like him. He knows they will never welcome him in with open arms, but he still loves the place. At some point, you might have to stop feeling sorry for Jude, because he knows the absurdity of his feelings. He just can't help himself, poor guy.