Julie of the Wolves Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Her hands trembled and her heartbeat quickened, for she was frightened, not so much of the wolves, who were shy and many harpoon-shots away, but because of her desperate predicament. (1.2)

Well, we know one thing, Miyax is afraid of starving to death. Frankly, that seems like a good fear to have, doesn't it?

Quote #2

The cold chill of fear ran up Miyax's spine – the wolves would soon depart! Then what would she do? […]

Her hands trembled and she pressed them together to make them stop, for Kapugen had taught her that fear can so cripple a person that he cannot think or act. Already she was too scared to crawl. (1.159-60)

Kapugen's certainly got this one right. Fear does totally paralyze a person, and that doesn't help anyone.

Quote #3

"Change your ways when fear seizes," he had said, "for it usually means you are doing something wrong." (1.161)

We don't know about you, but Shmoop isn't too sure about this second part of his teaching. It seems like he's saying fear is a person's fault, and not the fault of whatever is causing that fear. That doesn't quite seem fair.