Julie of the Wolves Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Leaning over the pond, she saw in the glassy water the hollows of her cheeks. She was pleased, for she looked almost like the gussak girls in the magazines and movies – thin and gaunt, not moon-faced like an Eskimo. (1.95)

Even out here, where there is literally not a single human soul around to impress, Miyax is pleased she's looking skinny like a white model in a magazine. That goes to show just how powerful cultural influences are on our girl's sense of self.

Quote #2

"I'm a wolf now, and wolves love leaders." (1.229)

Well now there's an identity: wolf-girl! Check out how willingly Miyax is able to accept the wolf way of life as a part of her sense of self. It almost seems like she was just waiting for the right crowd to come along, like she was looking for somewhere to belong.

Quote #3

Miyax got down on all fours. "But how am I going to follow you if you won't let me walk? I am me, your two-legged pup." She stood up. Amaroq lifted his eyebrows, but did not reprimand her. He seemed to understand she could not change. (1.231)

Here Miyax forces a compromise between her human identity and her wolf one. It's a cute moment between the girl and her adopted father, but it's also proof of just how much Amaroq cares for her; he's willing to accept her unconditionally, despite her two legs.