Julie of the Wolves Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She spoke half in Eskimo and half in English, as if the instincts of her father and the science of the gussaks, the white-faced, might evoke some magical combination that would help her get her message through to the wolf. (1.11)

At this point, Miyax has two instincts about how to communicate with the wolves, and those instincts come from two very distinct cultures. But they have equal worth in her mind.

Quote #2

Why had he bared his teeth at her? Because she was young and he knew she couldn't hurt him? No, she said to herself, it was because he was speaking to her! He had told her to lie down. She had even understood and obeyed him. He had talked to her not with his voice, but with his ears, eyes, and lips; and he had even commended her with a wag of his tail. (1.32)

Ah, now here's a new kind of language. Humans have body language, of course, but it can barely be compared to wolf language, which is so elaborate it takes Miyax quite a while to understand just a few phrases.

Quote #3

Jello narrowed his eyes, pressed his ears forward, and showed his teeth.

"I know what you're saying," she called to him. "You're saying, 'lie down.'" (1.162-63)

Miyax is one smart girl. After Amaroq tells her to lie down, she uses this information to understand what Jello is saying. Her ability to comprehend wolf language is actually pretty impressive when you think about it. Perhaps even… impossible? What do you think?