Julie of the Wolves Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Somewhere in this cosmos was Miyax; and the very life in her body, its spark and warmth, depended upon these wolves for survival. And she was not so sure they would help. (1.2)

The tundra is filled with danger, and with hope. It's without a doubt a threat to Miyax's life, just by its sheer enormity, but it also provides her with her one chance to survive – the wolves.

Quote #2

Patience with the ways of nature had been instilled in her by her father. (1.7)

Ah, so an understanding of nature runs in the family. Or at least the Kapugen family.

Quote #3

Miyax knew when to stop dreaming and be practical. She slid down the heave, brushed off her parka, and faced the tundra. The plants around the pond had edible seeds, as did all of the many grasses. There were thousands of crane fly and mosquito larvae in the water, and the wildflowers were filling if not very nourishing. But they were all small and took time to gather. She looked around for something bigger. (1.97)

Talk about the bounty of nature. Seeds! Larvae! Wildflowers! You'll forgive us if this isn't sounding all that delicious. But still, Miyax does what she has to, and you have to admire her strength (and her stomach).