Lady Chatterley's Lover Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But she had that queer sort of bossiness, endless assertion of her own will, which is one of the signs of insanity in modern woman. She thought she was utterly subservient and living for others. (9.6)

Modern women are crazy. We know they're crazy, because they want to have their own way and sometimes give the orders instead of taking them. Yeah, that sounds completely insane to us.

Quote #5

No, she would give up her hard bright female power; she was weary of it, stiffened with it; she would sink in the new bath of life, in the depths of her womb and her bowels that sang the voiceless song of adoration. (10.328)

Listen up, ladies: you don't need to be strong and powerful. All you need to do is find a nice man to adore, and everything will be fine. That sounds like a great life plan.

Quote #6

But there, when I look at women who's never really been warmed through by a man, well, they seem to me poor doolowls after all, no matter how they may dress up and gad. (11.180-181)

Mrs. Bolton is just so concerned about women who dress up and go out for a good time, because they've clearly never had a real man. She just pities them and worries about them. The Internet gives us a word for this: concern-trolling.