Lolita Book 1, Chapter 32 Summary

  • Lolita details all of her erotic experiences for Humbert, among them lesbian liaisons at camp, which Humbert calls "sapphic diversions" (1.32.13). She had several hook-ups at Camp Q, taking turns with her friend Barbara at having sex with the camp mistress's son, Charlie Holmes.
  • Lolita tries on all of the cute outfits Humbert bought for her. As they prepare to check out of the hotel, he warns Lolita not to talk to strangers.
  • Humbert begins expressing paranoia. He resents some man staring at Lolita; he feels pangs of guilt for hurting her; he feels lust as he drives.
  • Lolita teases Humbert: "You revolting creature. I was a daisy-fresh girl and look what you've done to me. I ought to call the police and tell them you raped me. Oh, you dirty, dirty old man" (1.32.33).
  • Lolita wants to call her mother, but Humbert announces that she is dead.