Exploration Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

As I took those two steps back, Margo took two equally small and quiet steps forward. (Prologue.14)

When they're kids, Margo is the one with the adventurous, inquisitive nature, while Quentin wants to back off and run home, exploring only the inside of his own eyelids.

Quote #2

"I did an investigation," [Margo] said quite seriously. (Prologue.26)

Margo is a little detective even at nine years old. She's like Daphne and Velma rolled into one, but investigating suicides in Florida instead of people dressed up as ghosts at haunted theme parks.

Quote #3

"My heart is really pounding," I said.

"That's how you know you're having fun," Margo said. (1.4.78-79)

Margo Roth Spiegelman seems to like the adrenaline rush of exploring forbidden places more than the actual exploration itself.