Friendship Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Ben had been my best friend since fifth grade, when we both finally owned up to the fact that neither of us were likely to attract anyone else as a best friend. (1.1.9)

That's one way to find a friend, but what do Quentin and Ben have in common? Maybe not much, which is why they end up fighting later on in the novel.

Quote #2

"We're not friends. We're neighbors." (1.2.40)

Margo Roth Spiegelman calls Quentin her friend, but he's quick to clarify that they're just neighbors—they haven't actually hung out in nine years. But Margo seems to have a different definition of friend than Quentin does, and she only calls him her friend so he'll drive her around town.

Quote #3

"Do I not order my various and sundry minions to be kind to you at school?" (1.2.41)

Margo Roth Spiegelman doesn't have friends; she has minions. And what do minions always do to the ruthless leader?