Paper Towns Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Paper Towns was once banned in Florida (where else?) for "sexual content and language." And yep, it has sexual content and language. Margo Roth Spiegelman states her motivation for revenge like this: "My lovely boyfriend of lo these many months is f***ing my best friend" (1.4.14). The quaint usage of "lo" doesn't distract from the f-bomb.

You might not want to take Margo at her word, but she and Quentin watch Jase (the ex) and Becca Arrington do it in Becca's basement, thereby proving that Margo Roth Spiegelman speaks the truth. When Jase runs from them, he, um, flops out of his boxer shorts. Yep, Paper Towns boasts full-frontal male nudity.

Plus, Quentin isn't content to be a peeping Tom just once. When he walks in on Jase and Becca again later, he says, "I stayed there in the doorway, peering into the room" (2.13.53). Just a little creepy, dude. At least he isn't posting the pics on 4chan.