The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 7 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 7 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

The Underdowns

Quote 1

Mrs. Underdown tried to make friends with Mother by complaining about her houseboy. [...] "Honestly, Orleanna, he would steal everything except the children." (2.7.4)

The Underdowns live in luxury, have an excess of food and personal comforts, pay their servants very little … and still manage to complain about them. Must be nice.

"Your King Baudouin is living off the fat of this land [...] and leaving it up to penniless mission doctors and selfless men like my husband to take care of their every simple need. Is that how a father rules?" (2.7.44)

Try capitalizing "Father" and then asking the same question. Nathan Price's Father (a.k.a. God) is an absent ruler who takes all of the credit and none of the blame for events in the human world. Is that how God rules?

Nathan Price

Quote 3

"These people can't even read a simple slogan: Vote for Me. Down with Shapoopie! An election! Who out here would even know it happened?" (2.7.56)

So much wrong with this sentence. Perhaps we were wrong when we said Nathan's heart was in the right place. Here, he shows himself to be painfully ignorant and insensitive.