The Poisonwood Bible Book 3, Chapter 4 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 3, Chapter 4 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

It troubled Leah that people thought our household deficient [...] because we lacked a bákala mpandi—a strong man—to oversee us. (3.4.8)

Even in Kilanga, where the women seem to do all the work, the villagers still look down on the Prices for not having a strong man. When Leah steps up to the duties, they disparage her for it.

Quote 2

God works, as is very well known, in mysterious ways. There is just nothing you can name that He won't do, now and then. (3.4.1)

As Mark Twain said, "Truth is stranger than fiction." So, does that mean that some of the stranger stories in the Bible—a flood, people turning into salt—could actually be true? Or could be more true than made-up parts?