Seedfolks Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Very many people came over to ask about them and talk to me. I recognized a few from the neighborhood. Not one had spoken to me before—and now how friendly they turned out to be. the eggplants gave them an excuse for breaking the rules and starting a conversation. How happy they seemed to have found this excuse, to let their natural friendliness out. Those conversations tied us together. (12.3)

Amir's eggplants are a huge hit in the garden. They're not just big and purple, but they also give neighbors an "excuse" to talk to Amir. Sometimes it's just good to have a conversation starter to break the ice; and once that ice is broken, Amir and his new friends have plenty to gab about together. So next time you want to make a new friend, maybe try growing some eggplant? Hey, it's worth a shot.