The Assistant Chapter 3, Section 1 Summary

  • Morris has to stay in bed.
  • Ida plans to have Helen run the store until she can take over, but changes her mind after Frank shows promise. He has brought in 15 dollars.
  • That's a lot, believe it or not.
  • She lets him sleep the night on the couch.
  • Ida haunts the store, distrusting Frank, worried that if he does wrong it will be her fault.
  • She keeps her distance, not wanting Frank to think he's welcome long term.
  • Despite the long hours, Frank is content. He has something to do, a place to sleep, and food to eat. He does the occasional casual munching on goods when Ida is away, the old five-finger discount.
  • The customers seem to like Frank and business picks up.
  • Ida gives him evenings off and some spending money. She also boots him out of the store before Helen comes down for supper.
  • This irks Frank.