The Assistant Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #1

"What I mean to say is that when I need it most, something is missing in me, in me or on account of me." (2.2.58)

Frank Alpine has a lived a difficult life, in part due to misfortune and events out of his control, but also because of his own impatience, restlessness, and other personal vices. He recognizes this about himself. He knows he could accomplish more than he has, but he's got to take matters into his own hands and gain control over his life to succeed further.

Quote #2

"Nobody has any responsibility to take care of me but myself. I couldn't find any job. I used up every last cent I had." (2.4.41)

Frank sounds a little like an Ayn Rand protagonist here. He doesn't feel entitled to anything, in this moment at least. When he's done wrong, he'll seek forgiveness like a hound, hopeful that he won't be back to being on his own.

Quote #3

He felt very bad, as he had known he would, that he had done what he had. If he had it to do over he wouldn't do it this way. (3.2.20)

Desperate to talk to Helen, Frank has made it seem that she has a phone call waiting. She doesn't. He just wants to get her close so he can strike up a conversation. But he feels bad because he's trying to begin a relationship on shaky ground. Smooth move, Frank; you're a real Casanova.