The Assistant Chapter 6, Section 3 Summary

  • Detective Minogue enters the store, pushing a handcuffed guy, and asks for Morris.
  • They go to the back.
  • The detective asks Morris if his prisoner is the man who attacked him.
  • Morris isn't sure, but guesses not.
  • Frank is asked to put a handkerchief on the man's face to see if it helps jog Morris's memory.
  • Morris still doesn't know.
  • After the man speaks, Morris says it's not him or his partner, who had bigger hands than the prisoner.
  • The detective asks again about his son, Ward. Morris hasn't seen him. Frank denies knowing him.
  • Frank goes to his room.
  • Someone approaches and knocks.
  • It's Ward Minogue.
  • He looks ill.
  • Ward wants him to drive to a new job and suggests he'll get his gun back if he helps.
  • Frank tells him he should go to the hospital, not try to rob a liquor store.
  • Ward demands money from Frank. He threatens to expose him.
  • Frank gives him all he has, eight dollars, and warns him that if he comes near him or threatens him again, he'll notify his father of his whereabouts, which is basically the grown-up version of yelling, "I'm telling"!