The Assistant Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #1

Breitbart nodded absently, then picked up the Jewish paper and read. (1.2.6)

Religious communities had (and still have) their own media, which allow people to keep up to speed on the events and news within that community. The Jewish paper was especially important to the few Jews living in this neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York.

Quote #2

Both of the women beside her seemed stolidly deaf. One held a rosary in her heavy hand. (1.3.9)

This is one of the few images of non-Jewish religion, but despite its singularity, it reinforces the religious diversity of the setting and that the few Jewish families in the neighborhood are a minority.

Quote #3

The Karps, Pearls, and Bobers, representing attached houses and stores, but otherwise detachment, made up the small Jewish segment of this gentile community. (1.3.24)

You've got to admire the play on words.