The Breadwinner Hope Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Twenty years from now, Parvana thought. What would happen in those twenty years? Would she still be in Afghanistan? Would Afghanistan finally have peace? Would she go back to school, have a job, be married?

The future stretched unknown down the road in front of her. Her mother was somewhere ahead with her sisters and her brother, but what else they would find, Parvana had no idea. Whatever it was, she felt ready for it. She even found herself looking forward to it. (15.79-15.80)

This is the final scene in the novel, and Parvana and Father are in the back of a truck, hitching a ride to Pakistan to find the rest of their family. While some people would be sad to leave their homeland or terrified about what lies ahead, Parvana instead seems hopeful. This girl's got one resilient spirit.