The Color of Magic The Color of Magic / Chapter 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Several days before Ankh-Morpork's misfortune, a ship comes up the Ankh carrying a man.
  • The man steps onto the quay, and Blind Hugh's body senses the presence of gold in the air.
  • Hugh makes his way to the man, beggar cup in hand, when he notices that the stranger has four eyes rather than the customary two (read: he wears glasses).
  • The man consults a small book and then asks to be directed to a "hotel, tavern, lodging house, inn, hospice, caravanserai" (1.2.13).
  • Blind Hugh wonders if a good tavern will do and has the stranger follow him to the Broken Drum, thinking Ymor will probably reward him.
  • The wooden chest follows; Blind Hugh peeks under it and spies hundreds of little legs.