The Color of Magic The Lure of the Wyrm / Chapter 16 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Rincewind tries to convince Twoflower not to rescue Hrun as they fly back toward Wyrmberg.
  • He confesses his fear of heights, but the tourist suggests that's silly since a forty or forty thousand food drop is deadly in equal proportions; Rincewind thinks on how it's the hitting part that bothers him more than the falling.
  • They arrive, and Ninereeds goes into a dive.
  • Hrun reaches for the wine and is scooped up so quickly by Ninereeds that the glass hangs into the air momentarily before gravity realizes what happened and takes the necessary action.
  • Liessa mounts her dragon and chases after her husband to be. Greicha bets the Loremaster that she won't catch him.
  • Death finally arrives to take Greicha's soul.
  • Before his king leaves, the Loremaster asks him what death is really like. Greicha promises to tell him after he's investigated it fully.
  • The Loremaster asks him to kindly tell him in the daytime.