Friendship Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"As soon as we come up with a plan for rescue, we can tell Hermes. There needs to be some hope, or there's no point in telling them." (8.85)

Super-friends to the rescue! See, NASA knows that the crew will jump at the possibility to aid in Mark's rescue—as we see later, they'll do it even without NASA's approval. Their friend is stuck on that lifeless rock, for Pete's sake, and they won't let anything stand in their way.

Quote #5

"They all showed signs of stress and moodiness. Mark was no exception, but the way he showed it was to crack more jokes and get everyone laughing." (8.136)

That's the Mark Watney that we know and love. When faced with terrifying, life-threatening situations, Mark doesn't crack up—he cracks wise. He might be losing his mind on the inside, but he's always careful to project positive vibes. In other words, he's a true mensch.

Quote #6

"Social compatibility is key. Mark not only fits well in any social group, he's a catalyst to make the group work better." (8.138)

Group chemistry is important. Think about it: where would Captain Kirk be without Spock? Where would Han Solo be without Chewie? Without good friends at our side, ambitious missions like Ares 3 (or destroying the Death Star, for that matter) are all but impossible.