Friendship Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It got a little cramped. And by "a little cramped" I mean "we wanted to kill each other." I'd give anything to be in that cramped capsule with those guys again. (10.21-22)

Of course, it's not all sunshine and daisies—there's no way that six people can live together without any conflict. The important part is that they all eventually get back together, no matter what petty squabbles they might have had. In a way, it's a lot like living in a college dorm—except, you know, the whole space part.

Quote #8

It won't be easy talking to a couple about their dead son. It's a lot to ask; that's why I'm asking you. (16.5)

Mark and Martinez must be bros for life. This isn't the kind of thing you'd ask of a random classmate or coworker—this is something you'd only ask of your best friend.

Quote #9

Controllers cheered, hugged, and cried. The same scene played out all over the world, in parks, bars, civic centers, living rooms, classrooms, and offices. (26.402)

And then the credits roll. Hopefully, these people walk away from the experience with a greater appreciation for their friends and family. Maybe they'll even have made a few new friends along the way. Heck, this could even be the start of a spicy new relationship between two NASA scientists. We can dream, can't we?