Identity Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"They wanted a cooperative kid, so they named me the opposite of won't." (3.15)

That's an interesting way to name a kid. Will isn't short for William. It's just Will. At least his middle name isn't "not." But the point here is that our hero is characterized by the fact he's got an iron will. It's even in his name. It's his destiny.

Quote #2

"Would you identify yourself as Caucasian or Hispanic?"

"Neither. I'm American." (3.52-3.53)

The book doesn't dwell on Will's racial identity. This seems to be included to rouse good ol' patriotic sentiment, as Will is basically an American Harry Potter.

Quote #3

Why did he have the feeling this wasn't the same person he'd said good-bye to two hours ago? (3.106)

Will starts to suspect that his mother is a different person. She still looks like his mother, but she doesn't act like his mother. It's like invasion of the body snatchers.