Technology Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Behind them, the "wad of gum" in the street flipped over and sprouted twelve spidery legs supporting a needle-shaped head and liver-colored trunk. (1.85)

The bad guys often combine supernatural monsters with technology to come up with something truly horrible. It's hard to tell if this creature is a bit of robotic tech or a living creature. Whatever it is, Dave thinks it's evil. His solution? Blow it away with a gun.

Quote #2

When she was done, the tablet had grown in size until it nearly covered the entire table. (3.2)

This is a neat bit of tech. How cool would it be to have a tablet that could fit in your pocket, yet expand to whatever size you wanted, whenever you wanted? TVs would be irrelevant.

Quote #3

A multidimensional image of thick cloud cover projected into the air about three feet above the screen, like an impossibly detailed children's pop-up book. (3.79)

Okay, we guess the expanding screen thing is already irrelevant, because this magic table has the ability to project 3D images into thin air. That's impressive.