The Paladin Prophecy Resources


"By Mark Frost" by Mark Frost

Frost must have missed out on purchasing because his website is located at

Movie or TV Productions

The Fantastic Five

Frost will write the screenplay for the announced film adaptation. We hope he keeps the Silver Surfer out of it.

Articles and Interviews

Mr. Frost's Wild Ride

When Frost compares writing a novel to driving a car, we learn we never want to be on the same road as Mark Frost.

Where There's a Mark Frost

Frost says that Will is "based more on [him] than just about any other character." So never challenge Mark Frost to a foot race.


Paladin, Walk with Us

Ironic that someone named Frost once wrote the screenplay for a film called Fire Walk with Me, but here Mark Frost compares his novelistic style to his storytelling style while writing the Twin Peaks series.

Trail Mix

These days, books have been optioned for movies before they're even published, so it's no surprise that book have trailers, too.


Scary Bears' Picnic

The "Teddy Bears' Picnic" song isn't creepy only when Will's mom plays it. It's always creepy.

The Audible Prophecy

Find out what a prophecy sounds like with the audible preview.


All Day He Dreams About Soccer

Will's Adidas shoes are gray with blue stripes. The closest we could find was this vintage pair from the 1980s.

Native Ancestry

Coach Jericho doesn't need to show him that he was descended from Crazy Horse, who is not a horse.