Choices Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #22

[Alice to Bella and Jasper:] "It means the tracker's plans have changed. He's made a decision that will lead him to the mirror room, and the dark room." (20.112)

The tracker has changed his mind. Whenever a person makes a new choice, the future changes, as does Alice's vision of what's to come.

Quote #23

Slowly, slowly, my thoughts started to break past that brick wall of pain. To plan. For I had not choices now but one: to go to the mirrored room to die. I had no guarantees, nothing to give to keep my mom alive. I could only hope that James would be satisfied with winning the game, that beating Edward would be enough. Despair gripped me; there was no way to bargain, nothing I could offer or withhold that could influence him. But I still had no choice. I had to try. (21.75)

Bella knows her life is over. She hopes that James will be happy enough with her that he won't kill her mother. On a separate note, Bella frequently claims that she has "no choice." Do you agree? Does she truly have no other options?

Quote #24

I was determined not to lose myself at this point, now that my plan was successfully completed. There was no point in indulging in more terror, more anxiety. My path was set. I had just to follow it now. (22.60)

Bella is following what she believes to be her destiny to James and death. Now, it's all about tactics.