Choices Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #25

"Edward, you have to do it." It was Alice's voice, close by my head. Cool fingers brushed at the wetness in my eyes.

"No!" [Edward] bellowed. (23.38-39)

What's going on here? Is Alice is trying to convince Edward to let Bella become a vampire? He seems mighty upset by the idea. All the same, Edward has a decision to make: he can either let Bella become a vampire, or try to save her by sucking out her venom-infected blood.

Quote #26

[Edward] heard the change in my tone. His eyes tightened. "I don't seem to be strong enough to stay away from you, so I suppose that you'll get your way…whether it kills you or not," he added roughly. (24.188)

Edward feels that he has a choice to make. He believes that it would be best for Bella if he left her, but he's unable to make himself walk away from her. Does this make him weak?

Quote #27

[Bella to Edward:] "In what parallel dimension would I ever have gone to prom of my own free will? If you weren't a thousand times stronger than me, I would never have let you get away with this?" (Epilogue.157)

Edward is trying to do what he thinks is best for Bella. He wants her to live a full, human life despite being with him.