What Happened to Goodbye Theme of Family

Things are not exactly running smoothly for Mclean's family in What Happened to Goodbye. Her parents split up after her mom ran off with Peter Hamilton (the Defreise head coach), and Mclean's resolved to take her dad's side in everything—even if it means never seeing or talking to her mom again (if she can help it). Things are bad enough so that her mom keeps calling in the lawyers to revisit their custody agreement, just so she can see Mclean more.

Post-divorce, Mclean just doesn't know how to relate to her mother anymore, and it's going to be a difficult journey before they can reach some kind of familial peace.

Questions About Family

  1. Why doesn't Mclean want to hang out with her mom and the twins?
  2. How are Dave's parents different than Mclean's? How are they similar?
  3. Why does Mclean feel so much loyalty toward her dad?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Her parents' divorce has forced Mclean to take the role of her father's caretaker instead of his child. It is only when she runs away that her parents realize that it's their job to take care of her—instead of the other way around.

Although Dave often resents his parents for being too hard on him, they're not actually trying to be punitive—they are just trying to understand his motives and come to terms with him growing up.