What Happened to Goodbye Characters

Meet the Cast

Mclean Sweet

Our dear protagonist, Mclean Sweet, is a teenager going through a crisis of identity—among other things. She's just moved to the town of Lakeview with her dad, and is trying to finish out her las...

Dave Wade

Times are Changing Dave Wade, boy genius, is a kid who attends Jackson High with Mclean—even though he could have graduated years ago because he's really smart. But he wants to go to high school,...

Gus Sweet

Although Mclean is pretty protective of her dad and thinks that he is The Best Guy Ever, it's clear that he's kind of floating around and messed up after the divorce—just as much as his daughter...

Katherine Hamilton

Mclean's mom rarely appears in person in the book because Mclean really doesn't want to see her—in fact, she tries to be in the same physical location as her mom as little as possible—but that...


Poor Opal seems eternally frazzled and upset in What Happened to Goodbye. That's because she's the manager of Luna Blu, the restaurant that Mclean's dad has been brought in to fix, and she's not ha...

Riley Benson

Mclean's a little intimidated by Riley at first. After all, she's Dave's best friend and seems unnaturally possessive and protective of him. Will she be mad if he starts hanging out with another gi...


Deb is definitely the lovable weirdo of Mclean's new friend group. When Mclean arrives in Lakeview, it's clear that no group has taken Deb in, and her new friends are shocked and appalled when she...

Peter Hamilton

What's there not to like about Peter Hamilton? He's a rich, handsome, successful basketball coach… Oh, right—he also had an affair with Mclean's mom and broke up their family. That's what's not...


It makes sense that someone as cool and laid-back as Opal would have a nemesis like Lindsay—an uptight, fake, city councilwoman. Lindsay is the person who pushes the model town project on Opal, a...

Maddie and Connor (the twins)

Even though they're technically her siblings, Mclean doesn't have a very close relationship to the twins. They're so much younger than her, and they're also a reminder that her mom lied to them and...

The Luna Blu Crew

If you're looking for a super-efficient restaurant crew… well, let's just say you're not in luck. The Luna Blu crew is pretty much a disaster, and Mclean's dad is tempted to fire them all when he...