What Happened to Goodbye Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The strangest thing about all of this was that, before, in my old life, I hadn't been any of these things: not a student leader or an actress or an athlete. There, I was just average, normal, unremarkable. Just Mclean. (1.31)

None of Mclean's new personas really match up with who she was before the divorce. In fact, they're all pretty much exaggerated characters that she makes up, like a little girl playing dress-up for the day.

Quote #2

The name I'd chosen, the girl I'd decided to be here, was poised on the tip of my tongue. But in that place, at that moment, something changed. Like that quick trip below the surface had changed not only the trajectory of my life here, but maybe me, as well. (2.211)

So much for being Liz Sweet this time around. Mclean messes up when she tells Dave her real name—or does she? Maybe she's actually not messing up her introductions for the first time ever.

Quote #3

Sitting there, I realized that one of two things could happen from here. Either I would hate Deb, or we'd be best friends and Liz Sweet would end up just like her. (3.55)

Why does it have to be one or the other? Mclean's obviously not used to just letting things go with the flow—everything has to be a decision that impacts how she's going to define herself for the remainder of her time in a place.