What Happened to Goodbye Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I liked this feeling so much that, when we moved to Petree, our next place, I took it further, calling myself Lizbet and taking up with the drama mamas and dancers. I wore cut-off tights, black turtlenecks, and bright red lipstick, my hair pulled back into the tightest bun possible as I counted calories, took up cigarettes, and made everything Into A Production. (1.30)

Mclean doesn't just change her name slightly when she starts at a new school—she straight up makes up a new character for herself. It's not a true reflection of who she is, but it makes things a lot easier to deal with when she's just following a predetermined script.

Quote #2

But idols fall, and sometimes they land right on you and leave you flattened. They destroy your family, shame you in the eyes of the town you love, and ruin the sport of basketball for you forever. (1.36)

It's really hard to get into basketball again when your mom's run off with your favorite team's basketball coach. Now even Mclean's favorite sport is tainted by all the lies and betrayal.

Quote #3

My mother didn't tell me about this when she split up with my dad, but if I did the math—and oh, how I hated having to do the math—it became clear that she not only knew about it, but it was the reason she finally came clean. (2.7)

Ugh—it's bad enough that her mom was cheating on her dad with another man, but it's even worse when Mclean does the math and realizes that her mom only came clean because she was pregnant with Peter's babies. What a web of lies and deceit.