Education Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'd say it was the largest jobs training program since the Second World War, and easily the most radical in our history. (6.1.8)

The chapter "Turning the Tide" focuses a lot on the education of people, both in the formal reforming of civilization and the school of hard knocks. And the school of hard knocks is about as awful as we'd imagine it would be.

Quote #5

[The president] knew America wanted a Caesar, but to be one would mean the end of America. (6.2.13)

The novel presents the zombie war president as an excellent politician at least in part because he educates himself with history. When Caesar took over Rome, democracy went out the door.

Quote #6

Ignorance was the enemy. Lies and superstition, misinformation, disinformation. Sometimes, no information at all. Ignorance killed billions of people. Ignorance caused the Zombie War. Imagine if we had known then what we know now. Imagine if the undead virus had been as understand as say, tuberculosis was. (7.2.2)

Well, gee, do we really have to analyze this one? "Ignorance caused the Zombie War." All right, Brooks. We got it.