Love Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When I heard about it, something snapped. Like the time I made my first Super 8 short and screened it for my parents. This I can do, I realized. This enemy I can fight! (6.4.3)

Here, we see art as a product of Roy Elliot's desire to do something loving for his fellow man. Art becomes literally life sustaining in this chapter.

Quote #8

Maybe she was just a scared, lonely voice that did what she could to help another scared lonely voice from ending up like her. Who cares who she was, or is? She was there when I needed her, and for the rest of my life, she'll always be with me. (6.5.108)

Is this a stranger showing love for Eliopolis, or Eliopolis showing love for herself? We can't say, so that'll depend on you're reading of that particular story.

Quote #9

In a sense, it is they who are ruled by us, instead of the other way around, and they must sacrifice everything, everything, to shoulder the weight of this godlike burden. Otherwise, what's the flipping point? Just scrap the whole damn tradition, roll out the bloody guillotine, and be done with it altogether. (7.1.41)

Remember how love of a nation can sometimes be crippling? Well, here's your counter example: sometimes can even be worth self-sacrifice.