
If you’ve ever wanted to use C++ to print a binary tree using only symbols from your keyboard, this is your lucky day.

Have some JavaScript code for making your very own tree. (Good luck finding a place to plant it though.)

Here you thought HTML was just a markup language. Well…it is, but it's also a pretty elaborate tree for storing information. It isn't binary, but we'll let it slide just this once.

Love animals? Love trees? Love colorful representations of animals in trees? Check out this tree that shows the evolution of different biological life over time since life began. Hagfish anyone?

Everything you ever wanted to know about radix trees (also called tries), or at least some of what you might want to know. But wait, there’s more. You also get some C++ code for creating your very own radix tree.

Huffman trees are great for encoding/decoding/compressing data in file formats like MP3s and JPGs. Here’s how to make one.

How Binary Trees are used to render those crisp 3-D scenes in your favorite video games, and in your not-so-favorite games too.

Using Hyperbolic Trees to track/visualize conversational threads, even the embarrassing ones from your mom.

How awesome are hyperbolic trees? See for yourself with this hyperbolic tree used to map artist/band relationships.