Graphs: Key Parts
Graphs: Key Parts
The larger a graph gets, the more it looks like an amateur filming the zombie apocalypse. The more nodes and edges that come together to form a mash of shapes and lines, the less clear the graph be...
You know that part in the teen romance where the nerdy girl takes off her glasses and has someone do her make-up for the big dance? The part where everyone realizes suddenly that she looks more lik...
Hamiltonian Paths
Say you're being chased by ninjas. Why? It could be thatyou made a pilgrimage to Jordan, breaking their sacred vow, "fights before Canaanites."you broke curfew, breaking their other sacred vow, "fi...
Euler Paths
For many years, the people of Shmoopland have been terrorized by bridge trolls charging troll tolls, until the city officials decided to change the zoning laws. From now on, trolls aren't allowed t...
Dijkstra's Algorithm
It's vacation time, and this time you've decided to make your time count: you're going bog snorkeling. As much as you'd think the prize money is for this competition, you still have a bit of a budg...