Physical Danger
Sand is nice. It's soft. It's forgiving. You can build sand castles out of it. If you fall or dive on sand, chances are good that you won't be sustaining any life-threatening injuries.
Granted, given the amount of jumping in volleyball, it's possible for you to sprain your ankle, or, even worse, suffer a knee injury like a torn ACL. These more severe injuries are much less common on the sand than indoor on a hardwood floor, so you shouldn't have to worry too much.
Be sure to stretch, ice up, and get enough rest. Injuries tend to happen from overuse, especially when you're fatigued. If you can feel an elbow or knee starting to ache, don't push it.
Generally, sand volleyball is a pretty tame sport. It's a good thing sand volleyball uniforms don't come with pockets. Beware of pocket sand.