A Break With Charity Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sarah was in sore need of solace, since her sister has been named a witch. And what did our congregation do? They shunned her!"

"Oh, Mama, how terrible," I said.

"They moved away from her and left her alone in her pew. I could not bear it, so I bade Mary stay in our pew and went to sit beside her. I held her hand. She was trembling."


"'Friend of witches,' they hissed at me when I left," Mama recounted. "Oh, I shall never forget it." (12.70-72, 77)

Mama English is the queen of compassion. She knows that the whole town will judge her for being nice to Sarah Cloyce, but does that stop her? No way. She takes a stand in front of everybody. Sure, it makes her pretty upset, but she knows what she's done is worth the risk. What do you think of Mama E's compassion?

Quote #5

"I fear the other girls in the circle will make a mockery of me when I testify," Mary confided. She sat in the chair and broke into weeping.

I went to put my arm around her. She gripped my hand. […]

Johnathan and I stayed with Mary in that room above the tavern. We quieted her and promised we would be in court. (13.25-27)

Susanna and Johnathan know that Mary Warren is super scared about standing up to the circle of lying girls, and they try to comfort her. We have to admit: this is pretty big of Susanna. Mary is part of the group that is accusing Mama English of being a friend of witches and Susanna still supports her—now that's seriously kind.

Quote #6

I drew in my breath sharply. It felt like a knife in my chest. "Is there no heart left in you to appeal to, Ann?"

I meant it. If there was the smallest chance that I could humble myself before her, I would do it. I would do it for Mama. Though I loathed this girl thoroughly.

"My heart is pure," she insisted. "I rest assured that we are giving our ministers and magistrates and elders what they crave." (14.65-67)

Ann is pretty evil, for sure, but Susanna still tries her luck to see if she can spark a little kindness in this lying lass. No luck there, since Ann thinks she's on the right path. Do you think Ann believes she's acting out of compassion? How so?