A Break With Charity Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

With my free hand I reach out to her. She takes it in her own fragile one. Her hand is so cold!


"You forgive me, then? I am near death's door. The Devil has already picked my bones. I'll never have husband or children to hold close to me."

I feel something give inside me, like a great wall collapsing. And it comes to me that the hate I bore her all these years was more fearful than the person I was supposed to be hating. I can barely say the words. My heart is so full. "Yes, Ann, I forgive you." (Epilogue.47, 52-53)

It's been a long road for Susanna and Ann, but they've finally found some forgiveness. Ann sure is in a rough state these days, and Susanna knows that it's time to let go of her hate. What do you think helps Susanna forgive Ann here? And do you think Susanna ever forgives herself, too? We sure hope so.